BuckettLaw celebrates the 185th year of the signing of the treaty of Waitangi the founding partnership agreement of Aotearoa. Kia Kaha
Worker picking grapes in New Zealand.

Employment Law Services For Employees

BuckettLaw has a proven track record in providing advice and representation to employees in work-related matters and prides itself on achieving positive outcomes.

Our team of employment lawyers are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for clients.

BuckettLaw will ensure you understand the law as it impacts you, so you are fully informed and understand any decisions or actions you make. We recognise every client and every employment dispute is unique and we use the depth of our experience to get the right result for you.

We get it – managing employment matters can be stressful.
We assist employees from a range of different sectors and backgrounds. BuckettLaw will ensure you understand the law as it impacts you and your situation, so you are fully informed and understand any decisions or actions you make.

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits all approach, rather a tailored strategy to meet your needs and objectives.

Help for Employees...

Free Phone Call With Our Expert Employment Lawyers

We offer a 10 minute phone discussion to see how we can help with your employment enquiry.