BuckettLaw celebrates the 185th year of the signing of the treaty of Waitangi the founding partnership agreement of Aotearoa. Kia Kaha

Experiencing Workplace Bullying Or Harassment? We're Here To Help

Workplace Bullying And Harassment Help For Employees

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits all approach, rather a tailored strategy to meet your needs and objectives.

Please note that statutory timeframes do exist in the employment context – do not delay seeking advice as this may impact your ability to address your dispute

The Me Too movement has shone a light on some of the unacceptable behaviour that pervades some workplaces.  All employees have the right to a safe workplace, both under the Employment Relations Act 2000 and the Workplace Health & Safety Act 2005.  Bullying or harassment of ANY kind should never be tolerated in the workplace.

Harassment can be (but is not limited to) language, visual material, online behaviour or physical behaviour of a nature which is unwelcome or offensive to an employee.  It could be on the basis of race or colour, gender, religion/ethical belief, orientation, age, disability, marital/family status, political opinion, union membership or being affected by domestic violence.

To be considered bullying or harassment, the behaviour must either be repeated, or of such a significant nature that it is humiliating, offensive or intimidating to an employee and creates a risk to their health and safety and/or has a detrimental effect on their performance at work.

We can assist in providing a safe and understanding environment to help you address the issues you face and achieve a satisfactory outcome to help you move forward.  Contact us today for a confidential discussion.

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