BuckettLaw celebrates the 185th year of the signing of the treaty of Waitangi the founding partnership agreement of Aotearoa. Kia Kaha

The Personal Grievance Process Can Be Difficult, We're Here To Help

Personal Grievance Issues For Employees

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits all approach, rather a tailored strategy to meet your needs and objectives.

Please note that statutory timeframes do exist in the employment context – do not delay seeking advice as this may impact your ability to address your dispute

An employee has the right to raise a personal grievance if they feel that they have been mistreated or unjustifiably dismissed, under the Employment Relations Act 2000.  Employees have the right to operate in a safe workplace and be treated fairly and in good faith by the employer – and when this doesn’t happen, it can have a huge impact.

Unjustified dismissal has traditionally been at the forefront of personal grievances however there is a growing trend of personal grievances being raised for bullying, harassment, unfair performance management (including PIP), unfair redundancy processes and failure to provide a safe workplace.

Our team can guide you through the process and offer frank and clear advice on your options.  Our experienced practitioners have worked across multiple industries and sectors, with a wide variety of clients.

You have 90 days to raise a PG after the fact – do not delay seeking advice as this may impact your ability to address the dispute.  Call us now for a confidential discussion.

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