BuckettLaw celebrates the 185th year of the signing of the treaty of Waitangi the founding partnership agreement of Aotearoa. Kia Kaha

Health & Safety Rules Can Be Difficult, We're Here To Help

Health & Safety Issues For Employers

We have extensive experience advising & representing employers from a wide range of industries and backgrounds.

Providing a safe workplace forms a cornerstone of the employer obligations under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2005.  When things go wrong the impact on businesses, victims and their families can be huge, which is why it is important to mitigate risk by being proactive and compliant to current legislation and guidelines.  A breach under the act can be dangerous, costly and impact the reputation of your business.

We can assist by undertaking audits of Health & Safety policies and procedures and amending existing frameworks or developing new policies and procedures (link here) to ensure compliance to the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015.

We can also advise on issues arising from drug and alcohol use at work and can create policies and contract inclusions surrounding workplace drug testing.

Contact us now to discuss your workplace health and safety requirements.

Free Phone Call With Our Expert Employment Lawyers

We offer a 10 minute phone discussion to see how we can help with your employment enquiry.